Home Fan Favorite Predictions Rubric Login


Criteria Description Value
Name A name to identify this rubric by. Rubric
Winner The points awarded to the sole survivor of the season. This is awarded instead of Finalist points, not in addition to. 5
Finalist The points awarded to the survivors who make it to the final jury, but don't win. The winner does not receive these points. 2
Fan Favorite The points awarded to the fan favorite, optionally determined by a vote on this site. 2
Idols The points awarded to the survivor with the most immunity idols. Does not include other miscellaneous advantages. 2
Immunities The points awarded to the survivor who won the most immunity challenges. 2
Confessionals The points awarded to the survivor who featured in the most confessionals. 0
Jury Number The points awarded based on when a survivor reached the jury. Survivors never eliminated will receive the highest jury number awarded in the season. The first survivor to be a member of the jury receives this many points, & subsequent survivors receive a multiple of that. 1
Pity Point Points awarded to the first eliminated survivor. 0
Idols Split Ties Whether ties in most idols split points. True means points are split, False means each survivor is rewarded the maximum value. True
Immunities Split Ties Whether ties in most immunities split points. True means points are split, False means each survivor is rewarded the maximum value. True
Confessionals Split Ties Whether ties in most confessionals split points. True means points are split, False means each survivor is rewarded the maximum value. True
Fan Favorite Negative Votes Whether the fan favorite vote includes a 'bad' vote. True means the bad vote is present, False means it is not. True
Fan Favorite Self Votes Whether the fan favorite vote allows you to vote for survivors on your own team. True means you can self-vote, False means you cannot. False
Fan Favorite Share Votes Whether fan favorite vote for this season includes all linked seasons' votes, or just its own. True includes linked season votes, False does not. True
Seasons using this Rubric The names of the seasons that are making use of this particular rubric. 44, 45, 46a, 46b